School Rules & Discipline
- Every Pupil will bring his School Almanac daily. The pupil will take down the Assignment allotted for the day in the Almanac or any other notice given by a teacher.
- Students are to keep the class-room and school premises absolutely clean. They will not cause any damage to School Property. If any case is reported, the class / pupils concerned will be liable for disciplinary action / shall bear the cost of damage as ascertained by school after an enquiry.
- Pupils will attend classes regularly and punctually. Pupils reporting late will not be permitted to enter the class without the prior permission of the Principal .
- No Pupil will leave the School premises during School hours without the permission of the Principal.
- Parent are requested to fetch their children on time.
- If a child is absent for more than fifteen days without informing the school, then the school will be forced to take action.
- Pupil who come to school in the care of a helper or any special arrangement, should be advised not to leave the School Premises before the helper or guardian arrives.
- Parents are requested to fetch their children on time.
- Students are to note that scribbling or writing on the wall will invite strict disciplinary action.
- Each child must look after his own items / personal belongings.
- In event of any problem related to school, parents to contact school authorities first.
- Parents / Guardians to co-operate with the School authorities for matters regarding Traffic Control, Parking etc. Visitor’s Identity will be checked.
- If a child gets injured accidentally within the School Campus, the school authorities will give immediate basic first aid to the boy until such time as the Parents take the child to a doctor / hospital for professional treatment. School, however, takes the child to the hospital recommended by the Parents.
- Withdrawal: One Month’s clear notice of withdrawal must be given.
Class Rules & Discipline