Std. I to V follow the I.C.S.E. pattern.
Std. VI to VIII follow the Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (C.C.E.) pattern.
Evaluation for Std. VI – VIII
The CCE weightage for Formative and Summative Evaluation is as follows
First / Second Semester:
Class Wise Group | Formative Evaluation | Summative Written | Oral | Total |
Std. VI | 50 Marks | 40 Marks | 10 Marks | 100 Marks |
Stds. VII & VIII | 40 Marks | 50 Marks | 10 Marks | 100 Marks |
*Formative Evaluation includes Oral Marks.
Std. IX and X follow the pattern of Unit Tests and Examination as prescribed by the SSC Board.
- Students will not be permitted to appear for any of the examination unless all fees & pending dues are cleared.
- Reports and Transfer Certificates will not be issued until all pending fees are cleared.
- A Student who is found guilty of any dishonest malpractice, copying or cheating in any examination will be debarred for that particular exam.